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Tuesday 16 August 2011


hi friends.....
             today we shall discuss about an alternative fuel to conserve our life  in upcoming future... before that its our sense to know about today's fate in the field of electricity...

what are the present sources for fuel and electricity?
             crude oil usage:
                       India-520 kgs
                       Egypt-675 kgs
                       Indonesia-753 kgs
                       Japan- 4053  kgs
                      America-7843 kgs
            India's power production report:
                       thermal power plant-66%
                       hydro power plant-17%
                       nuclear power plant-15%
                       wind power plant-2%
           Tamilnadu's power production report:
                        thermal power plant-25%
                        central electric power grid-30%
                         hydro power plant-25%
                        private plans-1%
                        natural gas-4%
                        other plans-5%

power requirement:
          world level-281 million tons
          India's contribution-3.45%(2005)
          Tamilnadu's requirement-9000 to 12000 MW
          usage of commercial plants-72.6%

how to overcome this????
          if we produce power from non- conventional sources effectively it is more than enough to face our future requirements..from a recent research scientists had observed that we can produce power 50% more than our need by gaining power from heat in our earth's surface, which is increasing day by day due to global warming.....
          by next near our earth's temperature will get raised by 5'C.. its danger to us even it raise by 2'C....ts 1017 watt power in the surface where sun touching earth's atmosphere....if we utilize 5% of this power we can meet all our requirements with sufficient power..

how to observe this power at low cost????  
          through solar cells we can observe solar energy and save it...this cells convert solar cell directly into electricity....photons from sun are attracted through electrons in solar cells.. this katura electrons are   conducted to cells to produce power.. this power saving unit is produced using nano technology, which is of low cost..and for conduction if carbon nano wire is used wastage of electricity is reduced and conduction is improved much...

where it can be used??
           extracting hydrogen from heavy water and soft water
           converting sea water to drinking water
           can be used effectively in agriculture.
           can convert sea water into vapour.
advantage of this process:
            in India only at Tamilnadu and Rajasthan solar power is abudant..
            if government introduce this in free home system it will be more effective
            private sectors will be free of electricity cost by encouraging this process
            we can enjoy current rates at 5 paise per unit..

my dear friends if you are planning to build new home or industrial sectors..implement this nano solar technology.., you are also benefitted and environment also free from solution... we are responsible for global warming,, atleast we can make some useful thing by the risk caused by us....and also by using this technology we are independent in producing power, we are not supposed to beg other nations and states for our needs.. just think of it.. join hands...

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