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Sunday 7 August 2011


Hi friends…..
                Finally our govt has brought a LOKPAL BILL for investigating BRIBE AND SCAM CASES all over the world….it is also called as PEOPLE COURT…life span of the court is 5 years…

HEAD OF THE LOKPAL: supreme court chief judge or judge
MEMBERS: 8.. out of this 4 from department of law.

To select head and members of lokpal , a committee is going to be organized.
COMMITTEE HEAD: prime minister
MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE: parliament speaker
                                                   Opposite party leader
                                                  Delhi raajyah  sabha  opposite party leader
                                                  Preferred central minister by PM
                                                  Supreme court judge
                                                  High court judge
                                                  Specialists in dept of law
                                                  Popular social service man
                       Can form special CID and investigation team for particular cases..
                        No need permission for investigating anyone…
                        It has power to take over  any one’s property and to check them and their places
                        It has all power as civil court…..
But in this bill even PM accept his name to be added under  investigation., our central ministry left him….
Friends let we hope atleast after this scam and bribe will be under control….                          

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