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Monday 1 August 2011


Hi friends…
                 Do you think we are protected?  Our defence is so strong as in the time of cargil war
If  you believe yes for this, then its our foolishness. Our government making us fool…. Shall we get into
The short and sweet discussion to prove that we are still sleeping…
                  Hope so you all remember a bomb blast in mumbai before three years on nov 26,2008….the
incident in which whole nation were astonished… after such cruel blast our govt did many promises.. let
we recall that…

But all this things are just an eye wash…shall we have look on  the proof..these bomb blasts are happened
after nov 26,2008… still we didn’t know the culprits…

 The  worse condition behind  such things is unnecessary talks of politicians at various places…. And also
their irresponsibility towards the crime…do you need examples?  Go a head…

Friends hope  you all understand my article’s concept…. Awake.. join hands… do better for our nation…
at least our generation  lead a life in peaceful environment..

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